In this article we will learn the way on how we assemble a tester component or people call it an ESR meter.

They name it an ESR meter because the tool that we are going to assemble is able to display the value of ESR (equivalent series resistance) on a capacitor which is very important for a technician. Component tester or ESR meter that we are going to assemble here are made based on PCB component tester sold by With the very small size of course the result will come up with a component tester or an ESR meter that is also very concise.

Is it very difficult to make or assemble this component tester? No, it is not. If you look at the layout picture of this PCB ESR meter component, it only consists of few components. In fact, most of these components are very easy to find in any component stores around your place.

Before we start to assemble this component tester or ESR meter, there are some things that you should remember. The value for the 680 Ohm resistor and 470K must have the smallest tolerances value in order to produce better accuracy.

Alright, the components that we need are listed below:

  • 3 pcs of Resistor 680Ohm
  • 3 pcs of Resistor 470K
  • 2 pcs of Resistor 1K
  • 5 pcs of Resistor 10K
  • 2 pcs of Resistor 3k3
  • Kapasitor 10nF
  • Kapasitor 100nF
  • 2 pcs of Kapasitor 22pF
  • 2 pcs of Transistor 3904
  • Transistor 3906
  • Crystal 8MHz • Regulator 7805
  • ATMEGA328
  • LED
  • Elco 100uF/16V
  • LCD 16X2
  • Terminal screw
  • A button

Once you have all the components then you just need to solder them on the PCB component tester according to the layout picture that has been provided.



In order to make this component tester on (working) of course the IC microcontroller that you use should contain firmware file that already have the program component tester. Don’t worry, feel free to download that file here and upload it directly to your empty. Therefore you don’t have to buy it at if you already have an empty IC.

[products ids=”3242, 3123″]

For the IC settings you need to set FUSEBIT from the microcontroller:

  • LFUSE = 0XFF
  • HFUSE = 0XDE

Link Download :

[sociallocker id=2480]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”″ icon=”” target=”false”]FLASH HEX FILE ATMEGA328[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”″ icon=”” target=”false”]EEPROM FILE ATMEGA328[/button]


Assembled an ESR component tester by yourself

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