A frequency, what is that?

A frequency is the sum or the amount of vibration occurrences by something per second.

We have learned the frequency since we were in elementary school. In my school, this subject was known as IPA (Ilmu Pengetauan Alam or sciece). We were taught about what the frequency was and its application.

In this digital era, the use of frequency is very common encountered in communication system. This can be noticed by the use of its unit, Hz. For example, Wi-Fi frequency 2.4 GHz, digital tv that has many different frequencies, and even analog tv begin to use very high to ultra-high frequency.

Since ancient times the frequency has already been applied in terms of communication, radio. Radio that invented by Marconi is very well known. It is a device that utilizes radio frequency in order to lay a sound signal that can travel far in distance and can be heard from other devices at different places.

According to the frequency explanation, that is the amount of vibrations per second. Can we read the amount of these vibrations?

If for example, a vibration in a second, maybe our eyes could still catch it or see it then calculate the vibration. But how if the vibration was in form of electric vibration signals that we couldn’t see, especially if it vibrates or oscillates fast? Of course we need a tool that could read the frequency or the vibration.

The tool is known as a frequency meter, an electronic device capable of reading the amount of electrical vibrations per second, it has display number so that we could read it. There are many types of frequency meter, the one that I’ve ever seen only a model with a needle or I call it the analog frequency meter and also digital models with numbers on an LCD screen or a seven segment.

In the analog frequency meter there are coils, capacitors, resistors, which will work as a filter to read certain frequency of the circuit combination. While the digital one using a microcontroller, there is a reading process of peaks and troughs of the waves to determine how many cycles of wave have occurred in a second in order to get the actual frequency value.

 Where the frequency is n (the amount of vibration occurred) divided by t (time). For example within 10 seconds we calculate there are 100 vibrations occurred, and then 100 divided by 10 will come up with a value of 10 in Hz for its units (10 Hz).

There is a tool from duwiarsana.com that could be used to measure the frequency, the electric vibrations with Vpeak of 5v maximum just by connecting two probes to the output that is going to be measured. The reading concept also follows the basic formula mentioned above. But for the low frequency or too high frequency, we should do some data sampling in order to find the correct value.

[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”https://duwiarsana.com/merakit-komponen-tester-esr-sendiri/” icon=”” target=”false”]How to Make Component Tester[/button]

The tool is a component tester. Despite its name is a component tester but this tool can be used to read the frequency and also generates it. Because of a lot of friends who are confused in how to use this tool, then I made this article and video as a tutorial on how to use a component tester. Watch the video for the detail 🙂

How to read the frequency

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