What is a scoreboard? Have you ever noticed a board that has glowing numbers that usually displays score or point in a game? Commonly we see this as a score board at football game, soccer, badminton, volleyball, etc.

There are two type of score boards; manual and digital scoreboard. The manual one changes the number of score or point one by one as the players get new score. In digital one we just have to press a button then the numbers on the display will change as what we want.

Well, now we will try to make a simple score board of futsal game. Why do we choose futsal? Yup, because there are so many futsal court rentals that need a score board display for the court. This can also be applied for the bigger court anyway.

So, what should we prepare for creating the simple futsal score board? The following components that we must prepare:

When we have all the components, firstly we have to install the data wire on Led matrix panel to the panel converter and plug it into Arduino pin as shown on the video. Do not forget to install the power supply of the panel and Arduino because the device (circuit) won’t work without the power supply.

Then download its coding or its Arduino sketch below this article. Remember to copy the library for this project; timerone, Pstring, and dmd to library folder of the Arduino file installation. Without this file, trust me the coding is going to be error when you want to upload it to your Arduino.

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Once your compile is done then directly upload it to Arduino. If you do it correctly, then the first thing come up on the led display is this letter; “Scoreboard sederhana” which moving to the left followed by this number; “000”

And then how will we increase and decrease the numbers on the led matrix counter? Of course we need 2 buttons that will do this job. Plug this 2 buttons on each digital pin 0 and 1 that have common to GND. As if with that 2 buttons we will connect GND to digital pin 0 and 1. That buttons then will count up and count down as you can see on the following video.

dmd.drawMarquee("SCORE BOARD SEDERHANA",21,(32*DISPLAYS_ACROSS)-1,0);
long start=millis();
   long timer=start;
   boolean ret=false;
     if ((timer+30) < millis()) {

For the sketch or coding that makes this led matrix showing a running text is very simple just like the above coding. We just need to write “score board sederhana” and also write some characters that are going to be displayed on the led matrix. As we can see there are number 21 after the clause, it means that the display will show 21 running characters. Whereas to show idle number like the number “000”, the coding is:

dmd.drawString(3,1,"000",3,GRAPHICS_NORMAL );

It is very simple, isn’t it?

Download the full coding through the download button below and try it yourself on your own Arduino. But for this experiment, I made my own pcb to minimalize the cost 😀

[sociallocker id=2480]

[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6eynuihyvj3fzl/papan_score.ino?dl=0″ icon=”” target=”false”]DOWNLOAD CODING LENGKAP[/button]


Simple Futsal Scoreboard, How to Make it?

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